#Durable #Duralook #Visifix #Libro #tarjetas #visita #hasta #tarjetas #color #oscuro Durable Duralook Visifix Walk - Libro de tarjetas de visita hasta 96 tarjetas color azul oscurodurable dog toys, durable dog toys for aggressive chewers, durable iphone charger, durable earbuds, durable dog bed, durable headphones, durable lightning cable, durable backpack, durable instaview 10-panel desktop reference system, durable folders with pockets

Brand : Durable
Binding : Productos de oficina
Color :
EAN : 4052305001967
Label : Durable
Product Group : Material de oficina
Product Type Name : OFFICE_PRODUCTS
Manufacturer : Durable
Estimated Price : EUR 7,38
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Feature :
- ~Para 96 tarjetas de visita tamaño 90 x 57~
- ~Con 12 fundas intercambiables~
- ~Tarjetero~

Durable Duralook Visifix Walk - Libro de tarjetas de visita hasta 96 tarjetas color azul oscuro. #Durable #Duralook #Visifix #Libro #tarjetas #visita #hasta #tarjetas #color #oscuro visifix desk business card file, visifix
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