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Brand : Roxy
Binding : Ropa
Color : Placid Blue Cloud Nine (Bgf6)
EAN : 3613373016201
Label : Roxy
Product Group : Equipaje
Product Type Name : LUGGAGE
Manufacturer : Roxy
Estimated Price : EUR 12,99
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Feature :
- ~Volume: 1 L~
- ~Size: 5(h) x 23(w) x 8 5(p) cm~
- ~Modelo Off The Wall - Trousse~
- ~Cierre de cremallera~
- ~Diseño impreso~
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Keyword : Estuche, PLACID, Colorblock, Mochila, Escolar, Highrise, Heather, Estuche, Lapiceros, Mochila, casual, litros, Placid, ERJAA0339, Estuches
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